Who we are
À propos de nousAgence des Nations Unies pour les migrations
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Notre ActionL'OIM s'est engagée à promouvoir une migration humaine et ordonnée dans l'intérêt de tous. Il le fait en fournissant des services et des conseils aux gouvernements et aux migrants.
Cross-Cutting Priorities (Global)
Cross-Cutting Priorities (Global)
- Where we work
- Resources
This function contributes to a better understanding and developing of a common approach to the migration phenomena along these migration routes through:
- The collection and compilation of relevant data amongst concerned governments, United Nations agencies and inter-governmental and civil society organizations
- The production of regular newsletters and fact sheets
- The undertaking of innovative research
- The promotion of research and information management among migration and refugee policy makers in the region
- The organization and facilitation of (regular) inter-regional and inter-governmental dialogue.